We, Smart Trainers and consultants have been doing research over the years 2007-2023 on this topic from - Pre pandemic, pandemic, and now the post-pandemic period.
Smart Trainers and Consultants have been doing research on this and have used various instruments. We started using a measuring scale which was a written test. We found that it was not possible to evaluate everyone manually and explored developing our own Online tool. Having used this tool manually we have now developed a newer refined Online tool with Logicwell Technologies as a partner.
Our tool helps you to
Know yourself first!
Find out how and where you have certain strengths and areas of improvement needed.
Analyze the reasons.
Look first to understand and we will help.
We will guide you in your path of rediscovering yourself.
We will help you to understand the reason for your strengths and improvement areas.
We have developed our own “Testing tool” for this.
A simple tool that helps you rediscover yourself, analyze, and start planning for your career development.
Ensures 100 % guaranteed results.
A simple written test XPRT- Excellent Personal Relationships, a tool that helps us discover your attitudes and measure them versus your ambitions. There are “Three factors” that decide your Interpersonal Relationships.
Through this test, we analyze these “three factors” and can decide how and why you have a certain relationship style that you have developed. We find the dimensions of your behavior on “Six parameters”. We make you realize your “behavioral patterns”. By matching this with your career ambitions, not only we can guide you to take a future course or help you select a career that suits you. We will help you develop your interpersonal relationship skills that are so closely related to your job skills. We help you reach Personal Excellence and Professional Competence.
Try our all-new XPRT- Excellent Personal Relationships, a test that you can answer in just 15-20 mts to know your score. And we will give you the analysis and show you the way.