What CHFI Certification Course mainly does, is to polish the knowledge of the professionals working with IT Companies in identifying evolutionary hacking attacks. Prime objective of this course is to prepare the professionals in building shields to protect their organization from impending Cyber Attack. A candidate persuing his/her CHFI tune-up course learn not only about Penetration Testing Methodologies to understand Computer Investigation, but also get trained in Digital Forensics Technologies. Computer Forensics enters when corporate organizations face incidents related with continuous fraud through unethical cyber hacking. And the reputation of any company falls down overnight if the news of such crimes goes out. The customers thus, start to distrust the company and withdraws themselves from their hold. And this all is happening despite the advancement we have bilt up in Digital World. So basically to find the traces of the crime Computer Forensics is used; who did the crime, how and from where the atrocities were conducted, what was the gravity of the attack, etc. Therefore, computer forensics has become vital in our Modern Times for better sustenance. Computer Forensics is not limited to Cyber Crimes, but is also useful in solving Cyber Terrorism, extortion, online robbery, etc. This CCFI Course can avail corporates in developing in-house forensic capability to deal with forensic cases.
For Mor visit us at : http://cyber.icssindia.org/computer-hacking-forensics-investigator/
Contact us on : 011-43870088 | 8744013901
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