1. Web Hosting Introduction
2. Types Of Web Hosting: Unix/Linux & Windows OS
3. Web Hosting Packages
4. Web Designing, Web Site Development
5. Step by step guide to building a website in Wordpress
6. What is Payment ......
1. Web Analytics terminology, concepts and models
2. Account set-up, Goal Configuration and Funnels
3. Audience, Traffics sources
4. Campaigns and Testing
5. Scheduling and Delivery
6. Bounce Rates
7. Site speech and se ......
1. SEO key concepts, terminology and techniques
2. Search Results, positioning and benefits
3. Site Audits, The Mechanics of Search
4. On-Page Optimization
5. SEO process, Site maps & Google Search console
6. Custom ......
1. Social Media Marketing concepts,
2. Terminology and techniques
3. Developing your strategy, plan & goals
4. Campaign Design and Execution
5. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube
6. WhatsApp, Instagram, Sn ......
1. Mobile Marketing concepts,
2. Terminology and techniques
3. Designing a mobile strategy, plan & goals
4. Mobile Sites, Apps, Games Marketing
5. Advertising, messaging and videos.
6. Mobile ecommerce
7. What ......
1. Difference between referral and Affiliate Marketing
2. Merchant, Affiliate Network
3. Type of Affiliate Web Sites
4. Web Designing, Web Site Development
5. Capturing visitor credentials ......